Coogee Rock Pool, Sydney
This was my first successful pool shot. Although I tried Bronte Beach Pool and Kiama Rock Pool before, but couldn’t take any pictures due to technical issues. I will explain that later in some other post.
The Coogee Rock Pool is also known as Ross Jones Memorial pool. I took this photo during the sunrise. There was a little cloud in the horizon which helped to cover the sun bit more time and portrayed a nice hide and seek situation. I particularly liked this rock pool because it is nicely built with small pillars which helps to compose a nice composition.
Both in high and low tides this pool is great for photography. During the high tide you will get the smoky effect with long shutter speed along with Big Stopper. In low tide you will get possibly(unless someone is swimming) a stable and quiet water reflection. Last time I was there during high tide. So it’s in my to-do list to make several compositions during low tide with CPL.
Angle: I found 1/2 suitable angles to capture the pool. Wide angle lens is a MUST as you can’t step back further due to the wall to cover all the pillars. And since it’s a popular pool, there is a high chance you will find other photographer friends there who already got the right spot
Shot Details: D90, Tokina 11-16, Lee Big Stopper, Photoshop, ISO 200, F11, 30 Sec, 11mm
Location: Coogee Rock Pool, Coogee, Sydney
Parking: Parking available
Walking: Approx. 5 min walking from parking. Stairs available.
Coffee Shop: Available
Caution: Usually slippery, Take special caution during high tide which can hit the tripod & camera.